Vinod Club



Important Inventions & Discoveries List Century wise

List of Inventions and Discoveries

Given below is a list of various Inventions and discoveries along with the name of the Inventor and the year in which it was invented:

List of Inventions & Discoveries

Invention/Discovery        Name of the Inventor      Year of Invention


List of Inventions & Discoveries of 15th Century


Printing Press          Johannes Gutenberg         1440


Anemometer           Leon Battista Alberti          1450


The earliest anemometer was designed by Italian inventor and architect Leon Battista Alberti in 1450. His device consisted of a disk placed perpendicular to the direction of the wind that would spin due to the wind, the angle of inclination of the disk momentarily revealing its force.


List of Inventions & Discoveries of 16th Century


Microscope                     Zacharis Janssen          1590


Thermometer                  Galileo                          1593


List of Inventions & Discoveries of 17th Century


Electroscope            William Gilbert        1600


Submarine          Cornelis Drebbel           1620


Automatic Calculator     Wilhelm Schickard 1623


Barometer    Evangelista Torricelli         1643




List of Inventions & Discoveries of 18th Century


Piano    Bartolomeo Cristofori       1700


Clock Mechanical   Hsing and Ling-Tsan          1725


Centigrade Scale     Anders Celsius         1742


Refrigerator       William Cullen         1748


Lightning Conductor     Benjamin Franklin  1752


Chlorine        Carl Wilhelm Scheele        1774


Bifocal Lens    Benjamin Franklin  1779


Hot Air Balloon     Josef & Etienne Montgolfier       1783


Parachute     Louis-Sebastien Lenormand        1783


Steam Boat    Robert Fulton          1786


List of Inventions & Discoveries of 19th Century


Electric Battery       Volta  1800


Locomotive    George Stephenson     1804


Steam Ship   Robert Fulton          1807


Stethoscope Rene Laennec          1816


Electromagnet        William Sturgeon   1824


Fountain Pen           Petrache Poenaru  1827   पेट्राचे पोएनारु

 The Romanian inventor Petrache Poenaru received a French patent on May 25, 1827, for the invention of a fountain pen with a barrel made from a large swan quill.[9]


Bicycle           Kirkpatrick Macmillan       1839


Rubber (vulcanized)          Charles Goodyear  1841


Sewing Machine     Elias Howe    1846


Transistors   John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Brattain  1948


Steam-Powered Airship   Henri Giffard           1852


Elevator        Elisha G. Otis            1852


Light Bulb     Thomas  Edison       1854


Theory of Evolution           Charles Darwin       1858


Machine Gun           Richard Gatling       1861


Dynamite      Alfred B. Nobel       1867


Periodic Table         Dmitri Mendeleev  1869


Telephone    Graham Bell                      1874


Microphone  Alexander Graham Bell     1876


Gramophone Thomas  Edison    1878


Petrol  Motor Car         Karl Benz      1885


Motorcycle     Gottlieb Daimler     1885


Bicycle Tyres    John Boyd Dunlop    1888


Diesel Engine       Rudolf Diesel           1892


Radio     Guglielmo  Marconi     1894


X-ray    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen        1895


Typewriter   Christopher Latham Sholes        


Radium          Marie & Pierre Curie         1898


Celluloid        Alexander Parkes   1861


Barbed Wire            Joseph F. Glidden   1873


Cine Camera            Wm. Friese-Greene           1889


Electric stove/cooker        William S. Hadaway          1896


Electric Fan    Schuyler Wheeler  1882


Electric Motor (DC)            Thomas Davenport            1873


Ship (Turbine)         Charles Parsons      1894


Saxophone   Adolphe Sax 1846


Helium           Jules Janssen            1868

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