Vinod Club


Important Inventions & Discoveries List Century wise


Important Inventions & Discoveries List for Government Exams

List of Inventions and Discoveries

Given below is a list of various Inventions and discoveries along with the name of the Inventor and the year in which it was invented:


List of Inventions & Discoveries

Invention/Discovery        Name of the Inventor      Year of Invention


List of Inventions & Discoveries of 15th Century 

Printing Press          Johannes Gutenberg         1440

Anemometer           Leon Battista Alberti          1450

The earliest anemometer was designed by Italian inventor and architect Leon Battista Alberti in 1450. His device consisted of a disk placed perpendicular to the direction of the wind that would spin due to the wind, the angle of inclination of the disk momentarily revealing its force.

List of Inventions & Discoveries of 16th Century

Microscope                     Zacharis Janssen          1590

Thermometer                  Galileo                          1593

List of Inventions & Discoveries of 17th Century 

Electroscope            William Gilbert        1600

Submarine   Cornelis Drebbel                1620

Automatic Calculator        Wilhelm Schickard 1623

Barometer    Evangelista Torricelli         1643


List of Inventions & Discoveries of 18th Century 

Piano Bartolomeo Cristofori       1700

Clock Mechanical   Hsing and Ling-Tsan          1725

Centigrade Scale     Anders Celsius         1742

Refrigerator William Cullen         1748

Lightning Conductor         Benjamin Franklin  1752

Chlorine        Carl Wilhelm Scheele        1774

Bifocal Lens  Benjamin Franklin  1779

Hot Air Balloon       Josef & Etienne Montgolfier       1783

Parachute     Louis-Sebastien Lenormand        1783

Steam Boat  Robert Fulton          1786


List of Inventions & Discoveries of 19th Century

Electric Battery       Volta  1800

Locomotive  George Stephenson           1804

Steam Ship   Robert Fulton          1807

Stethoscope Rene Laennec          1816

Electromagnet        William Sturgeon   1824

Fountain Pen           Petrache Poenaru  1827   पेट्राचे पोएनारु

Bicycle           Kirkpatrick Macmillan       1839

Rubber (vulcanized)          Charles Goodyear  1841

Sewing Machine     Elias Howe    1846

Transistors   John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Brattain  1948

Steam-Powered Airship   Henri Giffard           1852

Elevator        Elisha G. Otis            1852

Light Bulb     Thomas  Edison       1854

Theory of Evolution           Charles Darwin       1858 

Machine Gun           Richard Gatling       1861

Dynamite      Alfred B. Nobel       1867

Periodic Table         Dmitri Mendeleev  1869

Telephone    Graham Bell                      1874

Microphone Alexander Graham Bell     1876

Gramophone Thomas  Edison    1878

Petrol for Motor Car         Karl Benz      1885

Motorcycle  Gottlieb Daimler     1885

Bicycle Tyres  John Boyd Dunlop              1888

Diesel Engine           Rudolf Diesel           1892

Radio Guglielmo Marconi            1894

X-ray    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen        1895

Typewriter   Christopher Latham Sholes        

Radium          Marie & Pierre Curie         1898

Celluloid        Alexander Parkes   1861

Barbed Wire            Joseph F. Glidden   1873

Cine Camera            Wm. Friese-Greene           1889

Electric stove/cooker        William S. Hadaway          1896

Electric Fan  Schuyler Wheeler  1882

Electric Motor (DC)            Thomas Davenport            1873

Ship (Turbine)         Charles Parsons      1894

Saxophone   Adolphe Sax 1846

Helium           Jules Janssen            1868



List of Inventions & Discoveries of 20th Century

Vacuum Cleaner     Hubert Cecil Booth 1901

Air Conditioner       Willis Carrier            1902

Airplane                 Wilber and Orville Wright     1903

Valve. Radio Sir J.A Fleming         1904

Neon Lamp  Georges Claude      1915

Insulin            Sir Frederick Banting         1923

Adhesive tape         Richard G. Drew     1923

Rocket Engine         Robert H. Goddard            1926

Xerox Machine        Chester Carlson      1928

Richter Scale            Charles Richter        1935

Jet Engine     Hans Von Ohain     1936

Ball Point Pen/ John Loud  1888

 László C. Biro  — 1938


John Jacob Loud (November 2, 1844 – August 10, 1916) was an American inventor known for designing the first ballpoint pen. Loud invented and obtained a patent for what is considered to be the first ballpoint pen in 1888; however, his invention was not commercialized and the patent would eventually lapse. The modern ballpoint pen would be patented later in 1938 by László Bíró, 22 years after Loud's death.

Helicopter    Igor Sikorsky                               1939

Animation(film)      J. Stuart Blackton   1941

James Stuart Blackton (January 5, 1875 – August 13, 1941) was a British-American film producer and director of the silent era. One of the pioneers of motion pictures, he founded Vitagraph Studios in 1897. He was one of the first filmmakers to use the techniques of stop-motion and drawn animation, is considered a father of American animation, and was the first to bring many classic plays and books to the screen.

Atom Bomb Julius Robert Oppenheimer        1945

Pacemaker   Rune Elmqvist         1952

Hovercraft   Christopher Cockerell       1959

Laser  Theodore Maiman    1960

Soft Contact lenses            Otto Wichterle        1961

Synthesizer  Dr. Robert Arthur Moog  1964

World Wide Web   Tim Berners Lee with Robert Cailliau    1989


Circulation of blood           William Harvey       1628

Hydrogen     Henry Cavendish    1766

Oxygen          Joseph Priestley      1774

Ozone            Christian Schonbein          1839

Fluorine        André-Marie Ampère       1810

Vitamin A      Frederick Gowland Hpokins       1912

Vitamin B      Christiaan Eijkman       1897

Vitamin C      Albert Szent-Gyorgi           1930’

It wasn’t until the 1930’s that Albert Szent-Györgyi discovered the chemical ascorbic acid—also known as vitamin C.  His discovery was among the foundations of modern nutrition.

Vitamin K      Henrik Dam                  1929

Vitamin E      Herbert McLean Evans & Katherine Scott Bishop    

Chloroform  Sir James Young Simpson

Aspirin           Dr. Felix Hoffman   1899

Blood Group            Karl Lansdsteiner    1900s

Windshield wipers Mary Anderson      1903

Polio Vaccine           Jonas Edward Salk 1955,

Jonas Edward Salk  was an American virologist and medical researcher who developed one of the first successful polio vaccines.


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